My BE Life
We caught up with the Director at BEDE Events, Stuart Buntine, to find out what he loves about eventing.
What is your one rule of thumb when running an event?
Quality surpasses quantity. People will always come to watch quality at the big events.
What do you always carry in your pockets at an event?
A handkerchief (especially needed at Oasby 1 in the cold), pocketknife and a pound for the supermarket trolleys when we run short of food for volunteers!
What is your best memory as a rider?
Completing Badminton for the first time.
What is the most memorable event you have organised?
The first event I organised was Melbourne Three Day Event in 1996. We pioneered a new quarantine station as a test run for the Olympic games in Australia – we flew in four UK horses and riders, to prove the viability.
The other was Osbourne: a great format, amazing location and weather and we introduced over 6,000 people to eventing who had never been before.
The other was Osbourne: a great format, amazing location and weather and we introduced over 6,000 people to eventing who had never been before.
What do you love most about eventing?
The passion – the sport runs on passion and love. To spend the day watching horses gallop and jump in unique settings is magical.
And the best thing about your job?
Doing something that continues to motivate and excite me on a daily basis is special – not many people are so fortunate.
What is your dream holiday destination?
Up the mountains in Australia, away from people, except Anna (my wife), enjoying the sounds and smells of the Australian bush.
And your favourite car?
I’m not a car person; anything that gets me where I’m going is good. It helps now we have less holes in the body work of our current cars and they’re more reliable starters!
What was the last movie you watched?
Love Actually – it’s Christmas time!
Key dates and leagues for BEDE Events in 2024?
For me ‘All roads lead to Osberton’. Become part of one of the leagues that will get you there to enjoy the event, the atmosphere and the nightlife!
3-5 May 2024
Osberton International (1)
26-28 May 2024
Agria Lifetime Equine Shelford (1) Horse Trials
8-9 June 2024
BCA Horse Trials
BCA Horse Trials
15-16 June 2024
Catton Park Horse Trials
Catton Park Horse Trials
29-30 June 2024
Brightling Horse Trials
Brightling Horse Trials
24-26 August 2024
Agria Lifetime Equine Shelford (2) Horse Trials
Agria Lifetime Equine Shelford (2) Horse Trials
3-6 October 2024
Osberton International (2) Horse Trials
Osberton International (2) Horse Trials
19-20 October 2024
Oasby (2) Horse Trials
Oasby (2) Horse Trials